General tips and tricks in coding.

Hi,nice to see you again and today I am going to explain some important commands used in C.

As I explained  in the previous post once you compile a source code ,we use some commands to save and exit the terminal,but make sure that you came out of  the insert mode by pressing the esc button in the keyboard.
  1. To exit the terminal without saving we use ":q!" command.
  2. To save and exit a file we use ":wq!" command.
Apart from that we can use "clear" command to clear the terminal.

  • When coding is done in an industrial level, we should prepare  our code clear and well  understandable to others.So in such instances we use comments in the code.
  • But if you did not  separately mention what the comments are,the compiler may compile the comments also as a part of the code.
  • So we include the comment inside double forward slashes(//) .so then the compiler identifies the sentences inside the two forward slashes as comments and ignores them.
  • Next, let me explain more important things that can use to  display your output in a nice format.Here we use two characters including  backslash (\) which is known as escape character in programming.
  • \n   -   use to go to a new line.
  • \t    -   represent the tab key in the keyboard.
  • \b   -    use to erase the the previous single letter.
I'll meet you from another post soon.

Till then 
Good Bye.
